Philipp Rotmann, Thorsten Benner, Wolfgang Reinicke (eds.)
Special issue of Conflict, Security & Development
Philipp Rotmann (ed.)
Special issue of Global Society
Thorsten Benner, Sarah Brockmeier, Erna Burai, C.S.R. Murthy, Christopher Daase, J. Madhan Mohan, Julian Junk, Xymena Kurowska, Gerrit Kurtz, Liu Tiewa, Wolfgang Reinicke, Philipp Rotmann, Ricardo Soares de Oliveira, Matias Spektor, Oliver Stuenkel, Marcos Tourinho, Harry Verhoeven, Zhang Haibin
Available in English, 中文,
Joining the United States, Europe and Russia as major powers, countries like Brazil, China, India and South Africa are demanding greater influence on the global order. As a result, global norms such as sovereignty and non-intervention are evolving in an increasingly contested way. The debate about a responsibility to protect civilians from mass atrocities is a prime example of this dynamic. To examine this process of norm evolution, researchers at seven academic institutions in Europe, Brazil, China and India collaborated in a project called Global Norm Evolution and the Responsibility to Protect. More
Thorsten Benner
Available in English, Português, Deutsch
Liu Tiewa 刘铁娃
Journal of Contemporary China
C.S.R. Murthy
NOREF Policy Brief
Harry Verhoeven
The Washington Quarterly
Oliver Stuenkel
Polity Press